The Electrifying Tales of Mr. Amazing - Ashcan Cover
My first cover for an Ashcan comic myself and Lucas Whelan are working on. Everyone loves a cover swipe so I paid tribute the Todd father himself, Todd McFarlane. This is a cover swipe of Amazing Spider-Man #316. We still have a few more books if you're interested in picking up a copy. Available on my shop and or in person at convention.

Ashcan Issue.
The Story: Mr. Amazing is a hero set back in the time of the early 1990's, in this story we find Mr. Amazing saving civilians from a burning building when he finds out one of his arch nemesis, The Prophet, is behind all the fires as of late! What makes this comic book different is that we're just right into the story of the issue before he dies! Spoiler Alert I know, but this is where it get's good, on the back of each comic is a QR code that leads you to a small movie of life AFTER Mr. Amazing. And in the Spring of 2024 myself and writer/ creator Lucas Whelan will continue that story from the movie with the triumph return of Mr. Amazing in: The Electrifying Adventures of Mr. Amazing!
Comic Created and Written by: Lucas Whelan
Illustrated by: Tom Ryan