Onto the next:
IACCon 2024 3rd Year
Space Otter Pale Ale
Not only is this bad boy one of their four core brands but it just so happens to be one of my all time favorites for them. Though it's gone through some changes throughout the years, the main feel has always stayed the same. Also it was one of the shortest turn arounds times with them. I got a call on Tuesday, they said the name of the beer and that wanted a "space race" feel to it, I understood the mission, they then said they needed it by Friday. Houston, we have lift off. Made the dead line and the can is out of this world if I must say so for myself.
In the past you could obtain this as a 12oz. can, but now it's available in a beautiful 16oz. If you're visiting Milford DE, stop by and tell em Tom sent ya!